The Kass Co-operative Savings and Credit Society (Kass Sacco) was founded in 2007 with the objective of providing a mechanism of Ad-group employees to save and borrow at low cost in order to meet the employee socio-economic needs. The Kass Sacco membership has grown from 65 members in 2007 to 530 in 2022. In the same period, member’s deposits have grown from Kshs. 130,000 to Kshs.89 million at the end of 2022. Membership of Kass Sacco is now open to original members who signed the application for registration and any person willing and qualifying for membership as per the by-laws so long as such a person is introduced by an existing member.


To empower members through the provision of quality, affordable and timely financial products while ensuring stakeholder value and delivery of innovative services


To be the market leader in promoting financial independence for all